ML-Agents Python Setup with Anaconda

In this tutorial, you will learn:

  • How to download and install Anaconda (for easy Python management)
  • How to set up a Python environment for Unity ML-Agents

Anaconda Installation

While there are other ways to install Python, I find that Anaconda is the easiest way to manage multiple Python environments. It’s completely free and works on Windows, Mac, and Linux

Anaconda Environment Setup

Once Anaconda is installed, you will need to set up a new environment for ML-Agents.

The first thing you'll need to do is determine which release of ML-Agents you're working with. This is a little tricky because they have multiple versioning systems, one for the Package Manager, and one for GitHub.

Unity Package Manager: ML-Agents

  • Find which Package version you're using by looking in the Package Manager. In my case, the version I'm using is 2.0.1
  • Go to the ML-Agents Releases page
  • Find the release with the closest match to your package version. In my case it's Release 17, which uses (C#) v2.0.0, which isn't exact, but is the only 2.0.x release.
  • Look in the table for the ml-agents (Python) release. In my case it's v0.26.0

So now we have the info we need: Release 17, ml-agents (Python) v0.26.0.

  • Open the newly installed “Anaconda Prompt” (Anaconda prompt documentation)
  • Run the following command
    conda create -n ml-agents-r17 python=3.7

This will create a new Python 3.7 environment called “ml-agents-r17” for release 17. You can name it to whatever you like, I just like to give myself a hint in the future when I have multiple environments with different releases installed.

Anaconda prompt window: Environment is waiting on you to type Y to proceed

  • Type “y” and press Enter to proceed

Anaconda prompt window: Environment activation

  • Follow the instructions to activate the environment. In my case, I ran
    conda activate ml-agents-r17
  • Confirm that the environment is active by looking for “(ml-agents-r17)” on the left side of the command prompt
  • Windows users will need to install PyTorch
    pip3 install torch~=1.7.1 -f
  • Run the following command to install the correct version of mlagents (v0.26.0 in my case):
    pip3 install mlagents==0.26.0

You should now be ready to train your ML-Agents!