Reinforcement Learning Penguins (Part 1/4) | Unity ML-Agents


Updated to ML-Agents Release 10 as of December 11, 2020

Getting Help

Need general help with ML-Agents? I’m happy to help, but I’m only one person. Did you know there’s an Official Unity ML-Agents forum? That may be the quickest way to get help. 😀

Unity Project Setup and Asset Import

In this tutorial, you will set up your Unity project with ML-Agents and import several 3d Mesh Assets that will be used later in the tutorial.

Unity Project Setup (with ML-Agents)

We've split off general Unity ML-Agents into a separate tutorial so that we can re-use it for other projects.

Follow the instructions here and then come back when you're done:

Unity ML-Agents Setup Tutorial

Unity ML-Agents Setup

Import Assets

In this section, you’ll download, import, and set up 3D Meshes for the tutorial.

  • Download the free resources for this tutorial: 👈 $0+ on Gumroad means you can get them completely for free by typing in a 0, no account required, just an email address.

Now we'll import these assets to our project.

  • Create a new folder in Unity called Penguin inside Assets.
  • Create another folder called Meshes inside Assets\Penguin.
  • Import the .fbx files (3d Meshes) to the Meshes folder.

Meshes Folder in Unity
Figure 01: The Meshes folder should look like this after all .fbx files have been imported

  • Drag each of the Meshes into the Scene, one at a time (Figure 02). It’s okay if they overlap.

Mesh hierarchy
Figure 02: Each Mesh should be dragged up to the Scene hierarchy individually.

  • Rename each item as follows:
    • baby_penguin > BabyPenguin
    • fish > Fish
    • heart > Heart
    • penguin > Penguin
    • penguin_area > PenguinArea
    • regurgitated_fish > RegurgitatedFish
  • Create a new folder called Prefabs inside Assets\Penguin.
  • Drag each renamed object down into the Prefabs folder, one at a time (Figure 03).
  • Click the Original Prefab button on each to create a set of Prefabs.

Original Prefab
Figure 03: Drag each object into the Prefabs folder and choose Original Prefab.

  • Delete all of the Prefabs from the Scene except PenguinArea.

Scene Hierarchy
Figure 04: The Scene Hierarchy after all but PenguinArea has been removed.


You should now have a Unity project containing the ML-Agents directory and several 3d Mesh files. This is the standard way to set up a new ML-Agents project. You’ve also created Prefabs for each of the Meshes that will be used in subsequent tutorials.

Tutorial Parts

Reinforcement Learning Penguins (Part 1/4)
Reinforcement Learning Penguins (Part 2/4)
Reinforcement Learning Penguins (Part 3/4)
Reinforcement Learning Penguins (Part 4/4)